Show Down Memory Lane


Little joys of wedding planning

Distributing hundreds of invitations has its pros and cons. The eeky side to it is, of course having to gather everyone's contacts and plan the logistics of sending it out. But I must admit that one of the nicer aspects of it is being able to catch up with old friends and people who have played a significant role in your life while growing up.

In my case, one of the people whom I looked forward to personally handing out our invitation is my dear aunty Dot -- my nanny when I was 4 :) It is really very heart-warming to have people share the joy of our pending union when they receive our invitation -- especially so, when they are special people! It personally encourages me to continue 'working' on our preps eventhough we are really quite exhausted at this point.

Our 31-day countdown has begun!!! I can't believe I am getting married in less than a month... HAHA!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

This is lovely. At the end, it's all worth it. :)