Show Down Memory Lane


My New Addiction to Photobook

I've been hearing a lot about Photobook. Seen quite a number of Photobooks -- but never had a chance to get down to compiling one for ourselves, although its been one of the many things on my To-Do list for a couple of years now!

So with about a hundred over photos filtered out from both our pre-wedding photography shoots now, I thought it would be the perfect kick-start for our very First Photobook! But of course procrastination always takes the better of me. I just realized I only find the urgency to do something if I am jolted out of my sleep at 3am and making a mental note to get it done by such and such a dead line.

So that got me going :P I recently surfed onto, downloaded the software and started compiling our pre-wedding photos!!! Its pretty straight forward; nothing near rocket science, and its now become my new addiction -- although I must say, a rather pricey addiction if I continue at it. I find myself Photobook-ing at any spare time I can find... and even late into the night :D Mind you, I am that sort of person who sleeps before midnight... but Photobook keeps me awake!

1 comment:

suann said...

oh yeah, totally agree photobooks are way cool. :) i made our first one in dec last year, another one is defo on my to do list after finals in june:O) see u real soon van! will be back end june:) good luck not long to go now!!!! :P