Show Down Memory Lane


When ,'Oh' when, will I ever be good at it?

When it comes to matters of housekeeping, I reckon the mental capabilities of Einstein is not a prerequisite. The last couple of months spent running our love nest without help from a domestic helper has made me conclude that the key to efficient housekeeping is just to have a good sense of chronological-order-thinking and the ability to multitask well -- ah, and of course TIME. Time is really a luxury. You can accomplish lots if you had TIME.

Having said that, there is this ONE particular chore that eats into me every time I attempt doing it. It not only consumes a lot of time and electricity; but it is also frustrating, annoying and makes me feel like less of a wife.

I'm talking about ironing. Heh. Please tell me you feel the same way as I do. For some reason, I just don't get it. God, help me.

So tonight, I got a little God-sent help from the man called husband ;) Ah, I was definitely impressed! He managed to iron the whole basket full of clothes in just 1 hour. Compared to myself, I only managed 3 miserable pieces last weekend, and it already took me 30minutes -- I eventually gave up. So this works out much better :) I love him to bits... except for the part where he wrecked one of my BCBG work shirts. HEH.

Getting a crash course on Ironing 101

TADA!!! Done. I am happy.


Sass O said...

i can never everrrr iron. i absolutely hate it!

my advice send them to the laundry or hire someone to come once a week to just iron your clothes!

the new Missus said...

LOL! Advice from the Jakarta-tai tai huh? :P